- Wednesday 22nd - Friday 24th March 2023
- 9:00 am – 5:00 pm daily
- CEDS multipurpose hall, Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria
The Center for Entrepreneurship Development Studies (CEDS), Covenant University will host the sixth (6th) edition of her international conference on Entrepreneurship (CU-ICE).
The conference aims to address essential economic and sustainable development issues in Africa from the view point of entrepreneurship. This year CU-ICE is focused on discussing the fulfillment of some critical sustainable development goals through entrepreneurial innovativeness.
CU-ICE is an annual gathering of entrepreneurs, investors, researchers, policymakers, students and other start-up champions in Africa to identify new ways of helping start-ups and existing firms to achieve stronger competitiveness
Conference Sub-Themes:
- Entrepreneurship
- Financial Inclusion and Entrepreneurship Development in Africa
- Entrepreneurship and sustainable development
- Entrepreneurship and digital transformation (Technopreneur)
- Institutional Quality, Innovation and Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Africa
- Entrepreneurship, Skills Acquisition and Development in Africa
- Entrepreneurial Sustainable Development and Post COVID-19 Era in Africa.
- Entrepreneurship, Youth and Women Empowerment in Africa
- Management of Technology, Entrepreneurship Development and Sustainability in Africa
- Entrepreneurship, Ecosystem and Green Growth in Africa
- Market & Marketing Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development in Africa
- Engineering Management and Sustainable Development in Africa
- Business Model Innovation and Economic Sustainability in Africa
- Startup Business Model and Entrepreneurship Development in Africa
- Gender, Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development in Africa
- Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Africa
- Macroeconomic Issues and Entrepreneurship Development in Africa
- Informal Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development in Africa
- Green Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development
- Entrepreneurship and Environmental Sustainability
- Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability
- Knowledge Management, Innovation and Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Africa
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Skills Acquisition for Entrepreneurship Development
- Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Public Policy
- Entrepreneurial Marketing
- Womenpreneurship